Day 4 “Scallop”

Fun fact, I lost a few points on my eyesight after I drew this today.

#inktober #inktober2022bat #inktober2022 #inktoberchallenge #scallop

Day 3 “Bat”

#inktober #inktober2022bat #inktober2022 #inktoberchallenge #opus88 #sailorink

Day 2 “Scurry”

#inktober #inktober2022scurry #inktober2022 #inktoberchallenge #inktober52 #pilotpen #custom74 #deatramentisink

I’ve always wanted to participate in @inktober but never had the time or willpower to do it. I’m going to give it a try this year. If anything it will give me an excuse to get off a screen and start using some of the pens and ink I’ve been collecting.

#inktober #gargoyle #inktobergargoyle #inktober2022 #inktoberday1 #pilotpen #custom912 #platinumpen #carbonink