Japanese Pocket Pens
Japanese pocket pens from the 1960s, 1970s, and later represent the pinnacle of pocket pen design for me. They feature the perfect size, fantastic nibs, and interesting designs. It’s no wonder Pilot still manufactures the E95s and the Elite models. It would be really cool if Sailor decided to re-launch one of their designs from this era. #fountainpens #stationery #pilot #sailor


Pens that fit the Plotter Mini 5 Penholder:
- Ensso XS Minimalist
- Fisher Space Pen
- Kaweco Liliput
#plotter #fountainpens #fisherspacepen #kaweco #ensso

There and back again
I continue to upgrade and cancel my micro.blog account because I have struggled to figure out how and where this platform fits into my digital workflows. The problem is that I’ve hosted my own personal website for the last 24 years so my inclination is to post everything there. I think I might have things figured out.
Sea creatures with Don. 🎨

This week I sort of “discovered” that De Atramentis makes dilution solution. This is really nice for anyone into pigmented inks and wants to use a lighter version of the document inks for artwork, etc. www.jetpens.com/De-Atrame…
Gowalla is coming back and this makes me happy apps.apple.com/us/app/go…
The Plotter collection grows.🖋️

I can’t help but feel like the opening music for the original Sim City www.youtube.com/watch was inspired by this Piper track www.youtube.com/watch
This new retractable fountain pen 🖋️ Endless is releasing looks really interesting. I’m not sure about the grip section but I’m glad there will be more options in this category other than the Curidas and Vanishing Point.
I’ve stopped using bookmarks. After almost 20 years of collecting bookmarks using various services and apps I’ve come to the realization that I hardly if ever go back and actually use them or look at a them.
Bee 🎨 ✍️

A quick sketch of a nautilus I made in #procreate a couple of weeks ago.
#nautilus #seacreature #sealife #cephalopod #sea #illustration #sketch #digital

inktober is over, 31 days of drawing 🎨 ✍️ every day. Thank you for all the comments and compliments on the drawings I’ve been posting.
Art is something I sort of just stopped doing when I “grew up” and to be completely honest I’m not sure why. @Inktober has been a way for me to reconnect to something I forgot I loved so much and I am grateful for that.
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” Pablo Picasso

Day 31 “Farm”
#inktober #inktober2022farm #inktober2022 #inktoberchallenge #farm @inktober

Day 30 “Gear”
#inktober #inktober2022gear #inktober2022 #inktoberchallenge #gear @inktober